Here you will find the latest news and developments relating to REHAB
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Discover the latest developments and trends in the world of rehabilitation and care on the REHAB News page. As the leading platform for innovations and technologies in the rehabilitation sector, we offer you exclusive insights, important industry information and exciting updates directly from the REHAB trade fair.
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With its high-quality exhibition offering and exciting programme items in the two forums and on the special areas, the 23rd European Trade Fair for Rehabilitation, Therapy, Care and Inclusion is the place to get information, network and set new impulses for the industry.
Spring awakening with innovative outdoor aids at the trade fair
like Prof Dr Anne Weißbach on the topic: Correctly diagnosing and treating functional neurological disorders
Accelerated provision of aids for children and young people with disabilities
Exercise is essential for everyone - whether with or without a disability. Conny Runge from Publicare emphasises this. The sports enthusiast and wheelchair user have one goal: to make Zumba better known as an inclusive and functional upper body workout for everyone.
An expert presentation at the interdisciplinary conference for therapists CON.THERA
Two years ago, a minor sensation occurred in the German aid reimbursement system: For nursing aids, such as wound dressings and bandages, but also incontinence aids and even shower and adaptive wheelchairs, the prescribing authority of medicine was overturned. The decision as to what is important and necessary for patients in their everyday lives is now in the hands of the people who know these patients personally.
Generational change and digitalisation open up new opportunities
It can happen to anyone - valuable help from children's stroke counsellors
Rulings with far-reaching consequences: Federal Social Court changes case law on local mobility and focuses on self-determination and participation.
Exhibitions and more - a simple and entertaining experience as a free telephone tour.
Unique United uses a platform to help people with disabilities lead a self-determined and free life.
The most important information summarized and what we can do to prevent it.
Rapidly relaxed - relaxation training "made in Karlsruhe": self-care and stress reduction help you slow down.
The REHAB music festival check with tips and dates.
Acceptance among people with assistance needs is growing steadily.
It's always exciting to see the stories that REHAB writes: last year - at the 22nd REHAB Karlsruhe - SWR journalist Lothar Nickels and Stefan Schulz from Vincent Systems got to know each other.
From stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS) and paediatrics to virtual reality in therapy: the first key areas and topics have been determined and promise a top-class therapists' conference with a focus on neurorehabilitation.
With its bilingual legal guides, the Bundesverband für körper- und mehrfachbehinderte Menschen e.V. (bvkm) makes an important contribution to the inclusion of people with disabilities and migrant backgrounds.
Regional conference on barrier-free building in Karlsruhe with Jürgen Dusel, Federal Commissioner for the Interests of People with Disabilities.
Ela has a dream! Into space in a wheelchair.
Since 1993 - for 30 years now - the International Day of Persons with Disabilities has been celebrated every year on 3 December.
LAG SELBSTHILFE Baden-Wuerttemberg (regional self-help working group) calls for a new start for more employment for people with disabilities at REHAB.
The online magazine “Barrierefrei” is all about life with a disability. What it is and what it can be. It's about inclusion and empowerment. It's all about action!
The GUIDZTER.COM platform is a unique community by and for people in wheelchairs. Following its successful launch at REHAB 2022, the lounge will once again enrich REHAB with practical and digital offers relating to life in a wheelchair.
«As you make your bed, so you lie.» Bertolt Brecht used this wisdom in a song in the 1930s. Statistics now show that Germans sleep an average of 7.7 hours a day.
Digitalization is progressing steadily, with new digital offerings in the healthcare sector coming onto the market almost daily.
What is it like to travel through Florida for two weeks as a wheelchair user? What hurdles are there? How wheelchair accessible are transportation and facilities? A field report by Matthias Fuchs from Guidzter.