13 Mar 2024

CON.THERA: News from the field of neurorehabilitation

From stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS) and paediatrics to virtual reality in therapy: the first key areas and topics have been determined and promise a top-class therapists' conference with a focus on neurorehabilitation.

Live patient presentations, an afternoon dedicated to paediatrics, digital therapy tools and virtual reality in treatment - following the initial preliminary discussions for the upcoming Interdisciplinary Conference for Therapists CON.THERA, which will take place parallel to REHAB Karlsruhe from 22 to 24 May 2025 at Messe Karlsruhe, the Team Lamprecht Fobis is already in full swing designing a diverse, exciting and interdisciplinary programme. The preparation phase for a top-class specialist conference focussing on neurorehabilitation already began during the last event. "The success of our Therapist Conference 2023 has proven us right and the top marks from around 200 participants speak for themselves: high-quality training on relevant topics for the everyday work of occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and employees from orthopaedic technology and medical supply stores is an excellent fit with REHAB, the European Trade Fair for Rehabilitation, Therapy, Care and Inclusion," emphasises Sabine Lamprecht, who is responsible for the content concept of CON.THERA.

One focus: paediatrics

A few focal points have already been set: Friday afternoon will be devoted entirely to paediatrics. With a good interplay between paediatric medicine, therapy and the provision of aids, the important development windows in the growth of children with severe disabilities can also be used in a targeted manner to open up a future that is as independent as possible and, above all, to ensure participation in everyday life.

Novelty: live patient presentations and digital therapy tools

However, current topics such as strokes in all age groups, multiple sclerosis and paraplegia will once again be covered by prominent neurorehabilitation specialists in short, in-depth practical presentations. Live patient presentations will be a novelty at the upcoming CON.THERA therapist conference to make interdisciplinary treatment even more vivid. Digital therapy tools and virtual reality in treatment will be a must, and speakers from the EU project VR4REHAB will be present in Karlsruhe.

More than just a conference: visit REHAB and specialised exhibition

The new programme schedule allows sufficient time for lively discussions and questions after the presentations. This allows for a successful interdisciplinary exchange: Instead of the previous 30 minutes, 45 minutes are now available for each contribution. Furthermore, a visit to the REHAB trade fair is ideal for conference participants to find out about the latest aids and therapy devices or to engage in in-depth dialogue with industry experts in the trade fair environment. For example, at the Therapy and Practice Marketplace: be it about professional issues, current patient cases or innovations from the industry. A specialised exhibition is also being planned on the conference level.