13 Mar 2024

REHAB stories from life

It's always exciting to see the stories that REHAB writes: last year - at the 22nd REHAB Karlsruhe - SWR journalist Lothar Nickels and Stefan Schulz from Vincent Systems got to know each other.

This resulted in an exciting article about Isabelle's journey - replacement hand on the upper arm prosthesis, in which the author also provides insights into his personal story. Among other things, the article takes a short journey through time - from prostheses at the beginning of the 1980s to today's innovations, which are not only high-end technical aids, but also make no compromises in terms of design. Exciting, inspiring and authentic, our listening tip (only available in German)!

Lothar Nickels: Isabelles Weg - Ersatzhand an der Oberarmprothese

Orthotics and prosthetics at REHAB

At the last REHAB Karlsruhe, visitors were able to familiarise themselves with and compare more innovative prosthetic and orthotic aids and substitutes due to a higher number of exhibitors in the field of orthotics and prosthetics. Among others, Otto Bock Healthcare Deutschland GmbH with their co-exhibitors Orthopädie Brillinger GmbH & Co. KG and Pohlig GmbH, Össur GmbH, MOWA Healthcare AG from Switzerland, albrecht GmbH, Seifert Technische Orthopädie GmbH, INNTEO GmbH and ProthetikKA GmbH as well as Vincent Systems GmbH presented their innovations at the trade fair. "For us as a medical device manufacturer from Karlsruhe, REHAB is our most important local trade fair. We meet customers, users and potential employees. It is the perfect event to present our innovations to trade visitors and the general public", emphasises Stefan Schulz, CEO of Vincent Systems.

The feedback gained at REHAB is used by manufacturing companies to further develop products and prototypes. "We focussed on the direct exchange between users and developers, because our new exoskeleton will continue to be further developed even after its market launch," Schulz continues.

Mobile with prothesis

With this in mind and confirmed by the positive feedback from both the industry and visitors, the trade fair team is already working on further developing the topic area. In cooperation with the Federal Association for People with Arm or Leg Amputees (Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. (BMAB)), new presentation options and programme items on the topic of mobility with prostheses are being developed. Project manager Annika Gehrmeyer emphasises: "It is essential for us to design a trade fair that is attractive, profitable and future-oriented for both our exhibitors and our visitors. We are in close dialogue with industry representatives, experts and the target groups of our trade fair: because trade visitors and people with disabilities should find solutions and offers for their everyday professional and private lives at REHAB. REHAB is the trade fair for a better quality of life and shows what is possible today thanks to technical developments."

Stay tuned!

Lorem Ipsum

Headline SEO Relevant

Die seit 2008 in zweijährigem Rhythmus von UITP - Internationaler Verband für öffentliches Verkehrswesen - und Messe Karlsruhe gemeinsam organisierte Veranstaltung bringt Entscheider und Branchenexperten zusammen, um sich zu digitalen Lösungen auszutauschen sowie Innovationen zu diskutieren und neu zu entwickeln. Die letzte IT-TRANS fand vom 10. bis 12. Mai 2022 wieder persönlich in der Messe Karlsruhe statt. Sie konnten das gesamte Event vor Ort erleben oder auch an einer Auswahl der Sessions online teilnehmen.

Lorem Ipsum

IT-TRANS unterstützt die digitale Infrastruktur

Die seit 2008 in zweijährigem Rhythmus von UITP - Internationaler Verband für öffentliches Verkehrswesen - und Messe Karlsruhe gemeinsam organisierte Veranstaltung bringt Entscheider und Branchenexperten zusammen, um sich zu digitalen Lösungen auszutauschen sowie Innovationen zu diskutieren und neu zu entwickeln. Die letzte IT-TRANS fand vom 10. bis 12. Mai 2022 wieder persönlich in der Messe Karlsruhe statt. Sie konnten das gesamte Event vor Ort erleben oder auch an einer Auswahl der Sessions online teilnehmen.