24 May 2023

GUIDZTER.COM Lounge at the trade fair: An active meeting place on the topic of living in a wheelchair

The GUIDZTER.COM platform is a unique community by and for people in wheelchairs. Following its successful launch at REHAB 2022, the lounge will once again enrich REHAB with practical and digital offers relating to life in a wheelchair.

In conversation, the guides explain what visitors can expect at the fair:

"We want to build bridges and break down barriers - life in a wheelchair is just as interesting and fulfilling as it is for anyone else. Being able to reach out to everyone with a lounge as a cooperation partner of REHAB is a great opportunity for our community and all visitors," Sabine, wheelchair user and one of the faces of the GUIDZTER.COM community, tells us.

The lounge invites visitors to meet and chat with the guides and each other. Lectures take place here every day, as well as open discussions on a specific topic, known as "G-Talks". The guides also offer the opportunity to book a personal appointment via the GUIDZTER.COM homepage. With an interview box, live talks, presentations and workshops on the topic of "Living in a wheelchair", the lounge offers a wide range of activities for all interested trade fair visitors.

Throughout the year, the community offers a team of eleven guides to share individual experiences, useful advice and personal discussions on topics that move us.

At REHAB, the guides transform this offer into the real world: "Everyone is welcome to talk to us about sports, outdoor activities, travel, everyday hacks, legal, financial and care aspects or even to be able to broach unpleasant topics. We all want to live independently, work, travel, go out, meet friends, have sex or start a family – that is not different from any other person. There is much more possible than you think, you just have to dare to do it."

The program is diverse: "Just because we sit in a wheelchair doesn't make our lives any less exciting - we have to make that clear to everyone who still has their barriers in their heads," Philipp, who is a fan of tangible things, tells us. Until his accident, he was an enthusiastic motorcyclist. Today, he passes on his experience and knowledge as a guide. At REHAB, interested visitors can learn about assistive devices in a workshop with Philipp, design their own assistive devices using a 3D drawing program, present their own assistive devices and/or adapt their wheelchair.

Sabine has been part of GUIDZTER.COM from the very beginning and is generally looking forward to meeting people at the trade fair: "It is important for our community to dispel fears, set examples and encourage people with disabilities to be more independent. I decide what I want to do and what I can do. Others don't have to do it for me!"

The idea of connecting people in wheelchairs, passing on experiences and being an example and encouragement is a successful model. The community has been around since the beginning of 2020 and is constantly growing.

"We are excited to see whether people will recognize us as familiar faces after our appearance at REHAB 2022 this year," says Danny Locher, who has been supporting the community from the very beginning. "We have big plans: Shooting videos for exhibitors at the trade fair, reporting on aids in everyday testing, making contacts, engaging in conversation, providing information and expanding our community."

Barriers are an issue in general: "Sometimes we are more disabled than we actually are! There is still a long way to go before we have an inclusive society - we have to fight stereotypes with our services and build bridges for like-minded people and those who are interested. We can do this better together - and the community supports us as a person and as part of it."

The final preparations are still being made to ensure that the lounge in the dm-arena and a daily programme from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. will be a complete success. The lecture and workshop programme at the lounge can be found at www.guidzter.com/rehab-23.

You can read more about the community at www.guidzter.com